Saturday 2nd September 2017

The drive to Orlando International Airport was uneventful. Alan and Sally’s flight, as far as we knew, was due to land at 5pm, so we thought we’d give them an hour to get through customs and arrived just after 6pm.  Upon arrival the car park was full but we went in anyhow.  After all where else were we to go. We parked, alongside others, on double yellow lines with signs saying fines would apply if we parked on them.  Jacqui left to meet Alan and Sally from their flight.

2 hours later Jacqui, Alan and Sally arrived having taken 2.5 hours to get through customs. Jacqui had spent two hours asking questions of staff and passengers checking that she was in the correct place.  Julie had spent two hours on tender hooks, fearful of a fine and trying to concentrate on computer games, without too much success.

Finally all together, we set off for Davenport.  Stopping at ‘Publix’ [a supermarket] on the way for some supplies, we arrived at our plush accommodation. It’s a villa in a gated community that backs on to a wooded area with a mesh covered pool to keep the bugs out ~ beautiful.

Sunday 3rd September 2017

After a late start, which included a swim and breakfast,  we headed for a shopping complex so that jacqui could sort out a new sim for the phone.  Unfortunately our expensive sim free smart phones are not compatible with the network in the USA so we needed to buy a new handset and compatible sim.  This sorted we tackled Blackbeard’s Challenge at Pirate’s Island Adventure Golf.  A very enjoyable hour or so’s entertainment. We then headed back to the villa for some R&R in and around the pool.



In the evening we headed into ‘Downtown Disney’ to take in the atmosphere and have a meal.  Alan chose ‘The house of blues’ where us girls had ribs and Alan had Prawn Chowder. We then walked towards the Disney shop in search of a badge or magnet as a keepsake.


Monday 4th September 2017 – Labour Day

Today we decided to visit ‘Universal Studios’.  We got up early,  stopped for breakfast at ‘Dennys’ and headed for the park. The park was buzzing but not packed and we didn’t have to wait over long for any of the rides.  Our first stop was ‘The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley’. A very similar experience to Harry Potter World in the UK but containing a roller coaster ride through the vaults. Julie suffered with much anxiety at this point as there was no clue as to what to expect. We all enjoyed the ride in the end.


During the day we visited:

Despicable Me Minion Meyhem: a 3D ride in a cinema based on the hit film

3. Universal Studios 4th Sept (13)

Shrek 4D: a 4D ride in a cinema based on the film

The Beat Builders; A high energy percussion show that makes use of materials used on a building site

The Blues Brothers: They arrive by Police Car and performed a Chicago style street party with live music


Men in Black – Alien Attack; A roller coaster ride where we had zappers to kill the aliens and save the galaxy.  Julie killed the most aliens!


Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket: Jacqui and Alan were the only two brave enough to tackle this one.  It was visible from most of the park! It was a roller Coaster ride where you could choose your own music.  We listened to ZZ Top.  It started with a vertical rise followed by an almost vertical drop into a complete 360 degree loop.  It appeared to end several times before launching into another adrenalin rush – amazing experience.

3. Universal Studios 4th Sept (11)

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream; another delicious ice cream!

3. Universal Studios 4th Sept (12)

We returned tired but exhilerated ready for an evening around the pool and a pizza supper.


Tuesday 5th September 2017

Travelled to ‘Clearwater Beach’ today for a quiet day.  We sunbathed, swam, played ball and slept the day away whilst watching the thunder storm build and miss us!!



Wednesday 6th September 2017

This afternoon we went back to Orlando Airport to change over the insured drivers on the car because Alan would like to do some driving in Florida.  Once this was completed Alan and Sally went shopping in the designer Outlets Mall.  Julie and Jacqui – who can’t stand shopping – least of all on holiday – went in search of survival supplies for when the hurricane hits us, i.e. tinned food, dried food (like biscuits and crisps) and water – the latter of which had sold out (already).

After a relaxing afternoon by the pool we headed out for supper at Outback Steakhouse…. a good choice made by Alan.  Our shared starter was ‘blooming onion’ – a whole onion cut into a floral shape, coated and deep fried.

Our main meals were:-

Jacqui [predictably] – a steak burger; Julie – Talapia [fish] covered with crab meat; Sally – a steak with salad and Alan sirloin steak with chips.

Good food, great company.

Thursday 7th September 2017

Today we decided to go to another of Orlando’s parks – Island of Adventure.

When we arrived we went straight to ‘The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade. We walked through a mock up the world created by JK Rowling and towards our first ride ‘Flight of the Hippogriff’.  It was a gentle roller coaster which was very bumpy but gave us a view of what was to come.

Next we climbed aboard Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey – we joined Harry, Hermione and Ron in a cinematic ride where we soared through a quidditch stadium and up high above Hogwarts.

We also visited:
Jurassic Park River Adventure – a journey through the land of the dinosaurs on a river raft that culminated in a log flume drop.

Skull Island Reign of Kong – a 3d cinamatic ride taking you on a 1930’s expedition, coming face to face with King Kong. Not a particularly ferocious ride but the cinematography was fantastic.

‘Toon Lagoon’ – to indulge in our favourite activity… can you guess what it is!  Here we to come across Popeye and Olive Oil.

Marvel Super-Hero Island – The amazing adventures of Spider-Man. Another 3d cinematic ride swinging above the streets with spider-man chasing the baddie.  It appears that you don’t move too far – perhaps a matter of metres.  The car you’re in swings in different directions introducing you to different scenes in the story. We were all really impressed with the way it played with our minds and made us feel that we were soaring above the skyline.

Marvel Super Hero Island – The incredible Hulk Coaster.  This ride was visible from all over the park and looked terrifying – at least to Julie!  It was the ultimate roller-coaster which, with a burst of acceleration, shot you out of a tunnel at the very beginning and proceeded to twist and turn at high speed for a matter of minutes – feeling like a lifetime for Julie. Julie hated it and kept her eyes closed for most of the journey as well as a very tight grip on Jacqui! She came off disorientated and unwell, unlike  Jacqui, Alan and Sally who, on the other hand, went back for another ride. It was awesome says Jacqui.

Seuss Landing – the world’s most unusual merry-go-round  called ‘Caro-seuss-el’.  This tamed things down a bit and was only for a bit of fun!

Poseidon’s fury – the lost continent – where we explored the ruins of Poseidon’s ancient temple.  This was a special effects guided tour.  The most exciting bit was where we walked through a tunnel of water without getting wet. It was not quite what we expected and to top it all this was where we had the longest wait.

Lastly, Popeye and Bluto’s Bilge-rat falls – a white water rapid ride in a circular raft.  We were warned that we would get very wet and soaked to the skin we were.  Water came into the raft from all sides as well as from above.

We had all had an adrenalin filled day and arrived home shattered ready for a quiet evening in.

Friday 8th September 2017

Woke with only one thing on our minds – Hurricane Irma’s travel plans and what we should do next to avoid her.  Possible options included:

  1. Flying somewhere else – it doesn’t really matter where
  2. Staying in Davenport – subject to our accommodation being available
  3. Go South [towards the Hurricane] to our next accommodation in Cape Coral
  4. Travel North-West to Alabama to stay with Janie – she has kindly offered to put us all up for a while
  5. Travel West to stay with Caroline – she has kindly offered to put us all up for a while also.
  • We tried to get a flight but they are either unavailable, far too long or far too expensive.
  • The accommodation in Davenport is unavailable next week with other people due.
  • Going South seems foolhardy as this is just above the evacuation zone and right on the coast.
  • Travelling North-West to Alabama would normally involve a 7.5 hour car journey, but the traffic is horrendous and many of the petrol stations empty, so we may not make it that far.
  • Caroline lives in St Petersburg a 2 hour drive West, so this is the option we have chosen.  The four of us are going to travel there tomorrow and bunker down for a while until all this madness is over.

We will take our meager food and water supplies with us, say our prayers and hope we all stay safe.

We look forward to telling you all about our experiences in the near future. Seeing out a hurricane was not something either of us were hoping for but we will make the most of it.

15. Nervous Nellies 15th Sept (13)