Having finally dealt with the trauma that was the first night of our adventure, we now feel ready to share it!

The story begins when we pull up outside of our first nights accommodation – a three-storey house in a run-down area in downtown Hamilton.  We let ourselves in with the key codes we were given, showered and headed out for supper – so far so good.

When we returned at about 8pm the fun began.  The key code had been changed on the front door!  We tried in vain to arouse anyone inside the property, but to no avail.  We asked the man siting on the porch next door for help, but again no joy.  We went around the back of the property and knocked on doors and windows without any response.

We were beginning to panic.  No phone, no internet connection, no help available… ahhh

We’d spotted a ladder at the side of the house and in desperation came up with a plan to climb up to our window, which we knew was open.  As we were moving the ladder into position a very angry man, whom we believed was the owner, came storming out of the back garden calling us thieves, removed the ladder, threw it onto the ground and told us to leave his property.  We pleaded with him to allow us access to our room and possessions but he told us to sort it out ourselves – an impossible task without the key code, which he wouldn’t give us or internet access to get the new key code.

Stranded on the pavement wondering whether our possessions were still where we had left them we decided to phone the police for help. A very kind neighbour – noticing our anxiety – offered to help and phoned the police for us.  Jacqui told them of our plight and within ten minutes we were joined by two uniformed police officers.

Finally, with access to the internet via the police, we were able to retrieve the new key code, recover our possessions [yes, they were where we left them – although someone had been in the room] and left the area very swiftly in search of new accommodation.

By this point we had been travelling for 28 hours, we were extremely tired and to add to that in a state of shock.  Somehow we found our way to ‘The Sheraton’ hotel in uptown Hamilton where we felt secure enough to get a good nights sleep.

This whole episode has served as a warning to us to choose our accommodation more wisely in future.

The following morning, with a Canadian sim in hand, we left Hamilton and headed for Niagara.