Thursday 31st August 2017

Got up early and drove to Toronto International Airport, dropped off the car and our luggage. Unfortunately, our large bag now weighed in excess of 24 kg – at least 1kg over. However, this didn’t appear to worry any of the airport staff and we were allowed to proceed as planned.  We were also each carrying backpacks, hats, pillows and folding chairs, a little over the prescribed two pieces of hand luggage, but again we weren’t challenged,  so off we went through customs – a very long and drawn out affair. We stopped for a toast and jam breakfast and boarded the plane on time. As we boarded the air stewardess commented “you didn’t need to bring your own chairs” and laughed.

1. Toronto airport to Carolines (10)

Arriving at Orlando International Airport we proceeded straight through very smoothly and quickly and without hitch.  We picked up our GMC car and headed towards Tampa to meet Caroline – a good friend from way back – who would be putting us up for the next couple of nights.

We headed straight for the beach – the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  We set up our chairs on Sunset Beach – a short drive from Carolines in St. Petersburg.  We swam in the warm ‘Gulf of Mexico’ and watched as the sun retreat underneath the horizon.

Friday 1st September 2017

After a late breakfast we decided to spend the day at the beach.  We headed, once again, to Sunset Beach because it was free.  We’re always up for a freeby and as great minds think alike Caroline was well up for a free day too!  We topped up our tan, swam in the bath-like Gulf of Mexico, played bat and ball and fought the strong waves.

Once we felt sufficiently sun kissed we decided that it was ‘ice-cream o’clock’ so headed out to Beach Snoballs – a shop that specialises in shaved ice desserts.

Snoballs are icy desserts made from freshly shaved ice and topped with various flavoured syrups and creams. The ice for Snoballs is shaved so fine it’s like eating velvet. Our ‘Snoballs’ were stuffed with ice cream, drizzled with sweetened condensed milk and covered with different flavoured syrups. Caroline had a ‘Sunset’ flavoured with mango and strawberry cheesecake, Jacqui had a ‘Frog in a blender’ flavoured with watermelon and lemon/lime and Julie had a ‘shark’s blood’ flavoured with strawberry, watermelon and coconut. They were absolutely wonderful to experience although brain freeze happened.

After supper we headed off to St Petersburg Masonic Wind Band Practice – a band that Caroline plays trombone with. Jacqui played a baritone and Julie a trumpet. Unfortunately we don’t have any photos of this momentous evening but we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves – the sight reading practice was great fun. After practice we headed for Downtown St Petersburg for some live music at the ‘Ringside Bar’. A great funk band entertained us as did a young man from Georgia who decided to dance with us and bought us each a small flower as a thank you.

Saturday 2nd September

After breakfast we were introduced to Caroline’s youngest son Jamie who talked about his life in Florida. We had a very interesting conversation about social isolation and technology before Caroline gave him some food and we departed.

6. Meeting Jamie 2nd Sept

With Caroline’s kayak on the top of her car we headed for Morris Bridge Park in Lower Hillsborough Wilderness Park for a bit of Gater spotting and light paddling. Unfortunately, when we got there the area was flooded and closed to the public.

Travelling on, we went further down the Hillsborough River to Canoe Escape where we hired a double kayak and headed off up stream. Within ten strokes we saw our first alligator, sunning himself on a log at the side of the river.  A little later on we spotted a bigger alligator hiding under the water.

Changing course downstream we kayaked for an hour or so into the forested area manoeuvring ourselves around fallen trees and other obstacles.  Paddling in tandem is not one of our fortes – we spent much time zig-zagging, covering a lot of the river and spending some time in the bank.  As we headed back, the heavens opened and we were treated to yet another thunderstorm.

Soaked through to the skin, we helped Caroline put her kayak back onto her car before changing our attire and heading towards Orlando airport to meet Alan and Sally [Julie’s brother and sister-in-law] with whom we will be spending the next two weeks in Florida.

Thank you Caroline for putting us up and entertaining us.  We’ve had a memorable time over the past couple of days.